The most common questions residents have pertaining to daily life in the community are outlined below.
Contact if you have any additional questions.
The most common questions residents have pertaining to daily life in the community are outlined below.
Contact if you have any additional questions.
Dues help maintain the common infrastructure in the community and pay for services (landscaping, trash removal, etc.) Statements are delivered electronically on quarterly basis. Contact the Coleson Cluster treasurer to update your electronic delivery address
Dues can be paid online, details provided in each invoice, or by via U.S. mail:
Coleson Cluster Association
PO Box 8382
Reston, VA 20195-2282
Contact the Coleson Cluster Association Treasurer for questions regarding billing or dues status:
Most online banking institutions are able to send checks directly to Coleson Cluster Association. Check your banks online portal to determine if you are eligible.
The roadway within Coleson Cluster, the parking lot, and the carports are part of the common area and are governed by Coleson Cluster Association’s parking and carport regulations.
The speed limit inside the cluster is 15 mph. Please drive slowly and watch out for children, animals, and pedestrians.
Each household is issued two parking permit stickers. Please display the parking permits on your vehicles.
Parking permits can be obtained by providing the make, model, color, and license plate number of the vehicle to
Each household is assigned one reserved carport spot. See the Carport and Parking Regulations for details.
The other parking spots are unassigned. Please be considerate of your neighbors when parking.
Pets are welcome in the cluster, but please be a responsible pet owner. Keep your dog on a leash in the common areas, and pick up after your dog.
All Fairfax County rules and regulations regarding animals apply to Coleson Cluster. If you have concerns about animals or animal waste, contact Fairfax County’s non-emergency number (703) 691-2131 or file a complaint with Fairfax County.
The Reston Association has collected the established standards for all of Reston into a Document Center. The Coleson Cluster guidelines are available in the Design Guide section.
Trash is collected on Mondays and Thursday.
Only household waste should be put into the trash containers. Construction, remodeling, and hazardous waste aren’t accepted. Check the Champion Services website to determine if an item can be thrown away.
For household hazardous waste, see the Fairfax County website.
For bulk or specialty items (i.e. furniture, appliances, etc) contact Champion Services to schedule a pickup.
Contact if you have questions or concerns about trash pickup.
Raccoon Preventative Measures: Please ensure your trash is securely tied and the lid to your garbage can fits snugly on your trash can to discourage wild animals from pulling trash out or toppling over your garbage can.
Recycling is picked up on Mondays.
Check the Champion Services website for details on what can be recycled.
Glass is not accepted as a recyclable, but can be recycled by bringing your glass containers to one of the Fairfax County Purple Containers.
Contact if you have questions or concerns about recycling pickup.
Yard waste is collected on trash collection days between the last Wednesday in March to the last Wednesday in December annually.
Two Christmas tree collection days will be scheduled during the first two weeks of January.
Contact if you have questions or concerns about yard waste pickup.
The Coleson Cluster Association hires a lawn care service to maintain the common grounds, which includes the grassy areas and trees on cluster land.
Contact with any concerns or issues.
The Coleson Cluster neighborhood has a wide variety of trees in the neighborhood.
The Coleson Cluster Association hires a tree service to maintain the trees on cluster land.
Contact with questions or concerns regarding trees in the neighborhood.
Coleson Cluster Association hires a contractor to plow snow from the roadways when there is more than two inches of accumulation.
Residents are responsible for clearing the sidewalks near their homes and for removing snow around their cars.
Coleson Cluster provides residents with light in high traffic areas in the form of flood lights within the carports and street lamps along walkways.
Contact if see an issue related to lighting in the community.
If you are selling your home, you must provide the potential buyer with the Coleson Cluster Association resale certificate. The resale certificate includes the information required by the Virginia Property Owners Association Act and is individualized to each property.
The seller must request the resale certificate.
To request a resale certificate, please email the Coleson Cluster Association board of directors at, at least 10 business days in advance.
Compiling the required documents involves time, effort, and resources, so the law allows the preparer to assess reasonable fees, but sets a maximum amount for such fees.
Coleson Cluster Association charges the maximum allowable fee as set by the state.
These are our main service providers.